What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet.

It is a language that gives styling and design to websites, it’s standard and used by most/all websites across the world.

It can’t exist on its own. It goes hand-by-hand with an HTML file.

To use the metaphor of the house:

<aside> 📌 HTML is the Structure <house> <living room> <sofa> <armchair> </living room> <doorbell></doorbell> </house>



<aside> 📌 CSS is the Styling living room { size-width: 20ft; size-height: 10ft; wall-color: green; }



<aside> 📌 JavaScript is the Behavior document.querySelector (’doorbell’).onclick = function () { alert (’Ding Dong’); }



Why CSS?

There are many reasons, but here a few: