<aside> 🔥 Hopefully you all managed to get Jekyll installed! I know the terminal and versions and such can be a pain—but now let’s see how it can make some development things easier.
Duplicated the links here, so we’re all in one place.
I think everyone is on a Mac? These are the installation instructions.
Install Jekyll on Apple Silicon (Jamstack)
A pretty thorough video of a guy setting it up and getting a basic site going.
I’ve put together a barebones template repository that we’ll be working with to understand some of the concepts. We’ll be in there for most of this exercise, and you can use this as a starter:
A little agenda:
loop)Now, you can use Jekyll as a proper CMS/blogging-type platform. It has support for all that stuff—draft posts, themes, authors, and so on. But we’re going to focus just on how it can make building our own websites easier.
Getting Started | Markdown Guide
The lingua franca markup language these days. Also, this site was made in Jekyll!
Shopify’s docs for the Liquid templating language that Jekyll uses. I always end up back here to figure out how to sort a list or something.
Creating a Site | Jekyll - Static Site Generator | Tutorial 4
A series of videos with a very chipper guy going through various features.