The culmination of the course, a site for your own work or the class projects.

A portfolio can be many things—a container, a group, a history, a narrative. They can situate work to make it feel a part of a whole, or instead, draw contrast between things. They can show a breadth and they can show a depth. A portfolio can tell a story, and likewise put forward a version of you, as a designer—one that can be real, or edited, or even envisioned. They can show the career you’ve had and the work you’ve done, or the one you want to have and what you want to do. And they are, themselves, objects of design—and thus are work in their own right.


Over the course of the semester, you will will create a portfolio website that is distinctive yours—in content, form, and function.

Some of you have sites already. You could chose to extend or modify these—and then demonstrate your progress and changes towards our goals here. But you could also do this separately, as a chance/place to learn and experiment.

Students should make every effort to use the technical skills they’ve learned in the class up to that point, and of course, are encouraged to go beyond. However if code is presenting an insurmountable barrier—whether practically or conceptually—students may discuss alternatives with the instructor.



<aside> 👌 Again, we’ll go over the details of our review process as the dates approach!
