
A website that translates a physical journey.

Consider the relationship of navigating in a website with how we use the web itself as a tool to navigate. As the digital world increasingly blends with our physical one, we should be mindful of what characteristics of place, direction, and pace can inform our design of virtual experiences.

Begin by taking a walk alone. This walk could be to your favorite park bench, your weekly trip to buy groceries, a new bookstore you’ve never been to, etc. It must be a trip you can easily repeat. Try to allow chance encounters and surprises on your walk.

Document your journey with an awareness towards things that catch your attention and stay in your train of thought. Although there may be others on a similar route as you, you must consider how common elements form your personal experience.


You will first share your documentation with the class as a brief presentation.


Then you will create a website that translates the whole experience through text, image, hyperlinks, layout, scroll, scale.

Students should make every effort to use the technical skills they’ve learned in the class up to that point, and of course, are encouraged to go beyond. However if code is presenting an insurmountable barrier—whether practically or conceptually—students may discuss alternatives with the instructor.



<aside> ☢️ We’ll discuss the best/right way to do the final critiques when we are closer to the date, per our community agreement!


Special thanks to Tuan again here, for modeling this out.