I’ve pulled out a few key points for you and put them in plain language below. In addition, please thoroughly read the complete course syllabus.


As of now, given the unknown situation, we’ll decide together, week by week, whether to meet in person or online via Zoom / Slack.

The first two weeks (1/24–2/4) are going to be online via Zoom/Slack.

We likely won’t be all together in one classroom, we’ll split in groups and alternate online vs. in person reviews.


My intent is to respect and give forum to a range of perspectives and backgrounds, including culture, race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and age. In instances where I personally am not qualified to speak from a specific perspective, you are encouraged to explore this area yourself. Please let me know if you feel that there are ways that the course can better serve these goals.


Please refer to the schedule here on notion for the most up-to-date schedule, as things will likely change during the semester.


Sometimes things come up and you may need to miss a class. One is fine, but two or more absences will impact your grade. Likewise, being late is inconsiderate to your peers so please be on time or it will start to count against your attendance.

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get yourself up-to-speed by asking your classmates. Be conscious of others’ time!

Time commitment

This course is a crucial component in your time here at Parsons, and we cannot possibly cover everything by meeting once a week. You are expected to devote time outside of class to your projects and independent research.

We do not have room for dedicated studio space, but you are encouraged to spend time, preferably on campus, working alongside your peers. This exchange of ideas is invaluable.


Your computer is a necessary tool for this class. However, concentration is an even more important tool. Please learn to limit the amount of distractions you expose yourself to during studio hours and keep your phones in your bags.


Feedback on projects will be given verbally in critiques. If at any time you’re curious how you’re doing in the class, please contact me.