
A website that transcribes an interview.

As we’ve said before, the web is nothing if not immense. Finding or making meaningful connections within it is not always obvious, or easy. Its systems often encourage talking but not understanding, brevity and not depth, and treat all communication at the same volume and in the same form. So while the web is inherently a community, it is not always one of personal connection.

It is also a medium of questions and answers, one of inquiry and information. **Think now of how you can use these tools past their basic form of call and response. There is a tyranny of anonymity in the web’s incomprehensible scale. Think of how you can seek individuality and interconnection within this, and how questions themselves can give you more than answers.


You will first conduct a conversation.


You will then make a website that interprets this interview.

Students should make every effort to use the technical skills they’ve learned in the class up to that point, and of course, are encouraged to go beyond. However if code is presenting an insurmountable barrier—whether practically or conceptually—students may discuss alternatives with the instructor.



Thanks again to Tuan, as is custom.