Typography & Interaction II, Spring 2022


CRN 3992 Fridays, 4–6:40 PM 2 W 13th, Room 1103

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


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Michael Fehrenbach [email protected] michaelfehrenbach.com

<aside> 🚨 Hey folks, if you aren’t seeing many links (like the class list) here below—be sure to sign in to Notion! All the pages should be visible to your newschool.edu accounts.


General stuff

Course info

Our syllabus

Project I

Project II

Project III


🟥  Our GitHub team

For our overall schedule, we’re going to try and stay in sync with the other sections. Our per-week agendas and topics are below.

Technical resources

A lot of acroynms

📱  CD tutor info

🦊  MDN Web Docs

🆓  Google Fonts

♒️ web.dev CSS course

DevTools / The Inspector


CSS! (Fundamentals)

CSS! (Layout)

CSS! (Flexbox)

CSS! (Media queries)

CSS! (Grid)

Jekyll / Markdown!


Stuff we didn’t get to!

Weekly plans

Week 1 (January 28)

We’ll introduce ourselves and go over the course.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 2 (February 4)

We’ll learn about our projects and dive into HTML.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 3 (February 11)

Time to apply some CSS to our HTML.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 4 (February 18)

This week we’ll learn about using CSS for layout.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 5 (February 25)

And now Flexbox! So much better.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 6 (March 4)

We’ll be reviewing our projects.

For next week →

For posterity →

Week 7 (March 11)

We’ll learn about responsive design.

For next week class →

For posterity →

Spring Break!